- Photo Credit: http://anitadebauch.com
3 November 2012, Singapore – Are you a good photographer? Are you looking for an opportunity to shoot something different? Well, your chance is here. Anita De Bauch will be running workshops here in CAKE coming 11th November, Sunday. So, time to dust your trusty old DSLR and clean your lenses for this unique opportunity.

You get the chance to shoot the international fetish star in her signature styles of art nudes, lingerie and latex fashion. Each workshop lasting 3 hours will have a maximum of 6 photographers, giving everyone a chance to direct and shoot Anita. Each workshop will only cost S$150 per photographer.
Workshop Schedules
- Workshop 1: 5.30pm – 8.30pm
- Workshop 2: 1.45pm – 4.45pm
Anita will also be varying her hair and makeup for each workshop.
For more details.