27 November 2012, Singapore – About 30 years ago, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) that is responsible for causing the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) arrived on our shores. Since then, it has robbed over 1300 lives from us and many more around the world.
The Metropolitant Team will be taking part in the AIDS Walk taking place on 1st December. An excellent chance for members of the public and press to come together and show their solidarity and support for people living with HIV. So what are you waiting for? Register now!

The route is approximately 750m short and will start from SCAPE* Youth Park ending at TANGS (Orchard). Gather your friends to form teams and come dressed up. There is no fee to register, but I’m sure all you readers will be so kind to donate on the day of the walk. I’m sure any amount donated is much needed and greatly appreciated.
Participants will receive a Red umbrella, which will be provided and that should add some visual spectacle to the whole walk. They can redeem the umbrella once they “check in” to the walk and write a positive message then pin it up on the wall. Additionally, when we complete the walk and they check out of the walk, they will receive a goodie bag which will include many attractive gifts.
The Walk is proudly supported by Deutsche Bank and MAC AIDS Fund and organized by Action for AIDS Singapore.
More information here