2 November 2o12, Singapore – Once in a blue moon, we like to push ourselves to the limit to see what we are capable of. Singaporeans are addicted to running marathons, regardless if its day or night. This time round, the Metropolitant team took it further. We signed ourselves up for the Lion Dash, Extreme Mud and Obstacles Race.
Yes, registration was in June (alas the portal wasn’t launched yet). So we will share our excitement for the race with all of you, by giving you a low down on all the obstacles. Lion Dash is an extreme mud and obstacle course event series that is designed to take runners out of their comfort zone and throw them into a new and challenging adventure that many have not experienced before. This is not road running or even trail running, this is mud and obstacle racing. Now, thats challenging.
November 3rd, 2012
Tampines Bike Park (Map)
Junction of Tampines Ave. 7 and Tampines Ave. 9
Across the road from Sun Plaza Park
If any of you guys can spot us at the finishing line(provided we survive the obstacles), we will gladly pose for a picture.

Now, here come the exciting part of the race, the obstacles.
Python Pit
Crawling through dark tunnels can be dangerous……….specially when they lead you through a snake pit!!
Polar Plunge
ICE ICE BABY! All we can say is BRRRRR!
Canyon Crawl
Crawl your way across the Grand Canyon! Ok, it’s not the Grand Canyon but you still won’t want to fall.
Rubber Rumble
Rumor has it that some tires are trying to pick a fight with you. Are you ready to take them on?
The Great Wall
You may need help getting over this one.
Monkey Madness
Time to make those monkeys jealous with your monkey bar skills.
Storming the Beach
You’ll have to jump over and crawl under obstacles as you storm the sandy beach.
Tired Hill
If you had any energy left at this point, kiss it goodbye.
Muddy Maniac
Because you will look like a muddy maniac when you’re done with this one!
Swamp Survival
Don’t fall into the swamp!
Lion Crossing
How is your balance?
The Jungle
This is real jungle running. Watch out for fallen trees, mud and snakes!
The Hill from Hell
You’ll see where we got that name from.
With less than 24 hours to the race, we are all super pumped! Ok fine, some of us are actually getting cold feet. Watch this space as we will let you guys know how we fared.