Directed by Peter Reid, Waiting for Godot is back for its second run after its successful debut here in 2012. Opening at the SOTA Drama Theatre from the 19th to 23rd November 2014. With minimal props, Waiting for Godot captivates with eloquent speech and expressive display of emotions.
“So it begins… On a bare country road Vladimir and his friend Estragon wait in hope of salvation from a man called Godot. Their hope of salvation lies in Godot’s arrival. While waiting they play games, entertain one another with vaudevillian tricks, question whether Godot will arrive and how they will benefit when he does. They are interrupted by the arrival of Pozzo (a land owner) and Lucky (Pozzo’s slave). Pozzo questions their reasoning for waiting. Lucky performs a staggering burst of a monologue. Pozzo and Lucky exit, night falls and a young boy arrives and tells Vladimir and Estragon that “Mr Godot won’t come here today but he’ll surely arrive tomorrow.” In Act Two Pozzo returns but he is blind and Lucky is mute. Vladimir and Estragon continue waiting. Still determining to go, the tramps do not move…”
Few plays have attracted so much interpretation. Much attention has been centred on the character of the cryptic Godot. But perhaps the real subject of this extraordinary text is not Godot, but waiting.
The cast from Ireland includes award winning actor Neill Fleming who has recently won the Best Actor award for The Hit Producer at The Los Angeles Independent Film Festival. Apart from playing Vladimir in Waiting for Godot, also starred in HBO’s popular television series, Game of Thrones.
Playing Estragon, Vladimir’s friend who is stuck with him in the same plight, is Patrick O’Donnell. Patrick has taken home the title of the Best International Actor at the Sydney Underground Film Festival (2007) and the Best Actor for Jameson Dublin International Film Critics Circle Award (2010). He has been with AC productions in plays such as Twelfth Night, Accidental Death of an Anarchist, The Merry Wives of Windsor and Twelve days in May.
Paul Kealyn plays Pozzo in Waiting for Godot. Having played the part for Pozzo since 2008, he is no stranger to the character in the play. Passionate in theatre, Paul was a founding member of Terrible Beauty Theatre Company and directed Someone to watch over me by Frank McGuinness and Victoria Station by Harold Pinter. His other television and film appearances includes Games of Thrones television series; The Vikings; Damo and Ivor; Roy, Fur Coat and No Knickers; and Lunchbox.
Playing Pozzo’s slave, Lucky, is Nick Devlin. Nick has been with the AC Productions family since 2005, where he first played Lucky. His previous work with AC Productions includes Endgame, Hamlet, Merry Wives of Windsor and Much Ado About Nothing. The actor has also been busy with filming BBC’s latest television series,The Refugees.
In addition to the talented cast from Ireland, Reid has also auditioned and selected two boys from Singapore to play the role of Young Boy in Waiting for Godot.
Book now at or call 6348 5555.
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