Microsoft Surface Pro in Singapore Real Soon

28 May 2013, Singapore – Finally, the wait is almost over. Microsoft Singapore announced yesterday the arrival of the much-awaited Microsoft Surface Pro. On the 3rd June 2013, you can get your hands on this sleek device at selected Challenger, Harvey Norman and Newstead stores (details at the bottom). Needless to say, it will also be making appearance at the upcoming PC Show 2013 at Marina Bay Sands on 6 to 9 June 2013.

Samsung Galaxy S4 Unveiled

  15 March 2013, Singapore – The highly anticipated phone is finally unveiled just moments ago at New York city. The new Samsung GALAXY S4. Front outlook wise, it does…

CES 2013 – Sony Corp.

Sony announced a whole lot of products this year that did WOW us. The Bravia Ultra HD 4k TV, NFC wireless speakers, waterproof walkman and not to mention the Xperia Z that is poised to take the mobile world by storm.