A Layman’s Review On Samsung GALAXY Note 2 LTE

The Samsung GALAXY Note 2 LTE was launched on the 20 October 2012 in Singapore. After using it for a week, here is my take on the gadget.

A Layman’s Review On Samsung GALAXY Note 2 LTE

The Samsung GALAXY Note 2 LTE was launched on the 20 October 2012 in Singapore. After using it for a week, here is my take on the gadget.

A Layman’s Guide to Samsung GALAXY Note 10.1

We managed to get our hands on the Samsung GALAXY Note 10.1 and we are going to share with you what’s hot and what’s not so hot about this sexy…

Samsung’s New ATIV Smart PC Pro And ATIV Smart PC

24 October 2012, Singapore – Just days after their official launch of the Galaxy Note II and hours before the Apple’s Media event, Samsung launched their new ATIV Smart PC Pro and ATIV Smart PC.

Samsung’s Latest Smart Devices Celebrity Ambassadors

17 October, Singapore – Samsung held a gala launch event at the Ritz-Carlton to unveil their Be Creative celebrity ambassadors.