IngreLife Pro-Bone Plus Extra Capsules – A bone and joint health supplement manufactured and sold by Science Arts Co Pte Ltd, contains Chondroitin Sulfate, Composite Bone Collagen, and MSM. This unique formulation can combat bad joints by enhancing the health of bones and joints and nourishing the kidney.
IngreLife Pro-Bone Plus Extra Capsule’s formula focuses on relieving bone and joint pain, strengthening joints, and improving bone health by promoting the deposition and absorption of calcium and the strength of bone joints. The formula also supports healthy bone density and regulates bone cells to maintain strong bones. Here is the potential for a crack-free knee, hips, and ankle!

The capsule not only strengthens the bone and joint, but it also nourishes the kidney. The product is formulated based on a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory that human muscles and bones are closely related to the kidney. Hence, the reason for the age-old saying “the kidney governs bones”. Thus, nourishing the kidney helps to strengthen the bones and muscles.
IngreLife Pro-Bone Plus Extra Capsules are available at selected Fairprice, Sheng Siong, Prime supermarkets, Chinese Medical Halls, Yue Hwa Chinese Products, and KEYI outlets. Alternatively, the capsules can be purchased directly from Science Arts’s online store via this link.